75+ Positive Funeral Quotes

Published August 18, 2020
Bouquet of white and yellow flowers with a card

Funeral quotes can provide a positive message for those in mourning. Friends and family of the deceased may find this type of uplifting funeral quote inspiring and faith building.

General Quotes for Funeral With a Positive Message

A general funeral quote can be appropriate for any gender or type of funeral. You may want to include it in the funeral service or in a eulogy for friend or other loved one.

  1. Rest in peace with eternal sleep.
  2. In God's grace go into the heavenly realm.
  3. May an angel's chorus greet you in heaven.
  4. May heaven's gate stand open for you.
  5. Blessed with eternal life are those who believe in Christ.
  6. May the blessings of a good life lived follow you into heaven.
  7. Your footsteps can never be filled, nor your love ever forgotten.
  8. May God bless you and give you a new home in heaven.
  9. You will be missed by all who knew and loved you.
  10. Yours was a life well spent.
Quote for Funeral with a Positive Message

Funeral Quotes for Family Members

You may want a personalized quote for a family member. You may choose a generic one that will suit any family member.

  1. Family is a cornerstone we turn to during our grief.
  2. Family gives us the strength to move through our loss.
  3. You can hold onto family when you feel weak and lost.
  4. A family provides you a safe haven when sorrow strikes.
  5. You can turn to family for comfort during times of sorrow.
  6. A family provides hope in the face of sorrow.
  7. Our beloved took pride in being part of a large family.
  8. If life is what we make it and [insert name] made it memorable and full of love.
  9. We say goodbye to our beloved family member and forever hold her/him in our hearts.
  10. Family surrounds us in times of sorrow and gives us strength to face the loss of a loved one.
Funeral Quote for Family Members

Funeral Quotes for Dad

The loss of a father is devastating. A few simple words can bring comfort and remind you of the love he gave while on Earth.

  1. My father loved his family and showed it every day.
  2. Our father was the heart of our family and taught us how to love one another.
  3. My father was a man of many talents and loved making new friends.
  4. My father had a big heart and always sought ways to help others.
  5. My father left a large hole in our lives, but even in death, we feel his love rushing in to fill that emptiness.
  6. Dad was a force to be reckoned with, but he always held out a hand to those in need.
  7. Dad loved life and always insisted we take time to appreciate each other.
  8. A father's influence is eternal.
  9. A father lifts us up and sets out the morals we live by.
  10. A father's love surpasses death and lives on forever.
Funeral Quote for Dad

Funeral Quotes for Mother

A mom holds a very special place in her children's hearts. Her loss has a long-lasting effect that is painful. You can offer comfort with the right words carefully chosen for a funeral quote.

  1. We've realized these past few days that a mother's love is truly eternal.
  2. Mom was a happy person who took pleasure in growing flowers and watching butterflies.
  3. Mom always said to sing praises when she was gone, so we praise God in his mercy for welcoming her home.
  4. Mom was our guiding light and now, she is our guiding star.
  5. Mom cherished her family and stood on her faith.
  6. A mother is an eternal well-spring of love and hope.
  7. A mother guides us for as long as we live, knowing we'll see her once more.
  8. A beloved mother is forever remembered.
  9. A mother is a guardian angel and when her duty is met, she returns to take her place in heaven.
  10. A mother embodies the spiritual nature of love, hope, and faith that continues in the afterlife.
Funeral Quote for Mother

Funeral Quotes for Sister

When you lose a sister, you begin to consider your own mortality. The right funeral quote can help you to accept her loss and start the healing process.

  1. My sister believed in Christ, and I know today that she is with him in heaven.
  2. My sister had a faith that never wavered.
  3. I know my sister would have us praise God today and rejoice in her entering heaven.
  4. I know my sister is in heaven, and we shall see each other again some day.
  5. My sister was my best friend. I shall miss her laughter, teasing, advice, and companionship.

Funeral Quotes for Brother

If you've suffered the loss of a brother, you may find a funeral quote comforting. It may be a quote you wish to place on a grave marker or funeral service bulletin.

  1. My brother was a pillar of the community and the rock of his family.
  2. My brother lived his life in Christ.
  3. My brother understood the importance of family.
  4. My brother was loved by many friends and family.
  5. My brother touched all our lives and left us with fond memories.

Inspirational Funeral Quotes

Sometimes, you just need a quote that inspires you and provides you with a boost in faith and hope. This quote may be used to remind you and others of the sanctity of life.

  1. God gave each of us the gift of life, and Jesus the Christ gifted us with eternal life.
  2. It is through mourning that we find our faith and hope.
  3. Through prayer we will find God waiting to reveal the truth of his promise of life eternal.
  4. May God show each of us the power of his love and comfort.
  5. Let us sing God's praises with Christ's promise of everlasting life.
  6. A spiritual journey doesn't end with death.
  7. Life's lessons prepare us for the greatest journey awaiting us after death.
  8. Love is the universal message of hope.
  9. Death is but a passing through a door that opens to a new life.
  10. Prayers carry our loved ones into the next life armed with our well wishes and hopes that we'll see them again.
Inspirational Funeral Quote

Funeral Farewell Quotes for Celebration of Life

Saying goodbye to someone you love is difficult. A farewell quote at a funeral may be the kind of quote you need to give you and family members a sense of closure. A final farewell may also be appropriate for a memorial service or celebration of life ceremony.

  1. A life well-lived finds rest and rewards in the afterlife.
  2. Farewell to our friend until that moment we meet again.
  3. Let not sorrow replace the love and memories of your friend.
  4. Rejoice in the kingdom of God that has unfolded and welcomed our beloved.
  5. We honor [insert name] and remember the happiness she/he brought to each of us and the love we shared.
  6. We bid goodbye to one so loved and never to be forgotten.
  7. Life on Earth is fleeting, but the afterlife is eternal.
  8. Farewell to our beloved. We shall forever love and miss you.
  9. "Until we meet again" are words spoken throughout the ages in the hope of an eternal reunion.
  10. As we bid farewell to our beloved, let each of us hold onto the joy of the love we shared.
Funeral Farewell Quote for Celebration of Life

Funeral Quotes for Friend

A friend is someone you want to remember with words of wisdom and hope. A short quote to honor your friendship may be an appropriate funeral quote to show your love.

  1. Although we must depart for now, some day we shall discover new realms beyond this world together once more.
  2. Lift your sorrow unto the Lord and know peace.
  3. We say goodbye to a dear friend. Our separation is temporary. One day we'll all be back together.
  4. Grief and sorrow remind us how important [insert name] was to us and how much we miss his/her presence.
  5. The loss of our dear friend is a difficult change that we'll weather through with faith and love.

Quotes to Use in a Funeral That Are Positive

A funeral can be transformed into an uplifting ceremony when you use a positive quote or two. Select an appropriate quote to inspire and give hope.

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75+ Positive Funeral Quotes