A headstone is the lasting marker of remembrance after a person dies. The words and symbols on the grave marker capture the spirit and life of the deceased forever. While experts can guess what most gravestone symbols mean, not all interpretations are verifiable.
Symbols for Various Religions
The U.S. government recognizes nearly 100 separate symbols for belief systems including:
Angel blowing a trumpet (Angel Moroni) - Mormonism
Atomic whirl - American Atheist
Crescent moon with a star - Muslim
Menorah - Messianic symbol of faith
Pentagram - Wicca religion
Pointed star - Baha'i faith
Ship's steering wheel - Buddhist Wheel of Righteousness
Star of David - Judaism
Teepee shape - Native American Church of North America
Beehive - Symbolic of a life of productivity for Freemasons; also a Mormon symbol
Bird - Immortality or everlasting life
Butterfly - Abbreviated life, more common on a younger person's headstone
Dove - Peacefulness and innocence
Dragonfly - Eternal life
Lamb - Virtue or purity, a lamb is also common on children's headstones
Deer - Avid hunter or sportsman
Lion - Bravery
Rooster - Revival
Peacock - Rebirth
Snake with tail in mouth - Forever, eternal life
Dog - Allegiance
Pelican - Generosity, philanthropy
Plants on Headstones
Flowers, trees, branches and sprigs of plants are some of the natural images you see on gravestones.
Acorns/Oak leaves - Strong influence, authority
Bellflower - Being thankful, gracious
Lilly - Virtue, innocence
Morning glory - New beginning, new life
Pine tree/cone - Everlasting life
Rosebud - Abbreviated life
Wreath - Greatness or devoutness
Fruit - Everlasting plethora
Gourd - Life, fruitfulness
Poppy - Everlasting rest
Tree/branches - Existence
Ivy - Everlasting life or companionship
Wheat - Abundance or productiveness
Rosemary - Keeping in memory
Weeping Willow - Bereavement
Tulip - Existence, living
Palm - Peace forevermore
Buttercup - Happiness
Honeysuckle - Devotion, strong feelings
Pineapple - Generosity, accommodation
Architectural and Decorative Elements
Headstones can be formed in the shape of an architectural marvel like a mausoleum or obelisk, or they can feature images of them. The USGHN describes a few more prevalent symbols and their meanings:
Draperies - Sadness, grieving and moving from life to death
Urn - The end of life
Arch - Triumph over death or two souls reuniting
Double arch - rejoin a life partner in death
Broken column - Loss of the family patriarch or matriarch
Fleur-de-Lis - Intense love and devotion or courage
Anvil - Self-sacrifice
Bridge - From one place to another
Coat of Arms - Long family history, or family of high standing
Sphinx - Guardian of the dead
Steps - Path to afterlife or ascension
Specific Objects
The Cemetery Club and The Association for Gravestone Studies' 19th Century guide suggest the message behind images containing familiar objects like:
Bones or Arrows -The end of life, extinction or a reminder that everyone dies
Candle with a flame - Existence
Anchor - Anticipation, hope or optimism
Ring - Matrimony
Greek Letters Alpha and Omega - Start and finish of life
Broken chain - Loss of husband or wife
Compass and Square (tools) - Membership in the Mason organization
Hourglass - The end of life, too little time
Clock - The passage of time, the end of life
Scythe - The end of life
Pile of books - Wisdom, scholar
Egg and Dart - Egg symbolizes being and dart means the end of life
Staff - Relief and caring
Throughout history, gravestones have paid homage to the beloved careers of the deceased through symbols shared by The Cemetery Club and USGHN, referenced above.
Pile of books topped with apple - Professor, teacher
Quill and ink - Author, writer
Hammer and anvil - Blacksmith
Rake and spade - Landscaper
Scales - Salesman, purveyor of goods
Bowl and razor - Person who cuts or styles hair
Axe, knife and cleaver - Person who prepares meat
Corn - Farmer
Hammer and square - Builder
Mortar and pestle - Person in the medical profession
Give Meaning to Death
The passing of a relative is difficult. Give meaning to the life and death of the deceased with appropriate images on headstones. Consider the values and beliefs of the person and add one or two symbols that best capture their spirit.